Sunday 2 December 2018

Save Fuel for Better Environment

Every day millions of people across the planet travel or move from one place to another. Some use cars, two wheeler or even aeroplanes. But they all require the energy to function and they get it from the burning of fuel. The most common resource for fuel is ‘Black Gold’. And, practically we have only five decades left before it gets exhausted.
This indeed sounds alarming and catastrophic. The gravity of the situation demands that we save this important resource. But we require it too. Burning of these fuels is directly related to the contamination of the environment. Thousands of plants and animals become extinct. If the rate of combustion of fuels keeps on increasing this way, then one out of ten animals is going to be extinct within 2050. That is quite alarming as we are losing the ecological balance.
The biggest cause for air pollution is burning of fuels. Even the quality of abiotic factors like water, air, soil as well as minerals is degrading. The greenhouse gases emitted pollute the air, which is indirectly affecting our health to a great extent. The number of people suffering from respiratory diseases is increasing by the minute. Since, the increase of pollution there have been a lot more diseases. There have been more than 100,000 deaths due to air pollution. Most of the new and incurable diseases are actually related to the pollution caused by the emission of greenhouse gases. Our health is very much dependent upon the environment. Rate of cancers have swelled up lately.
In addition to the combing of carbon and oxygen to form CO2 and other greenhouse gases which are the major cause for the depletion of the environment, burning of fossil fuels involves other processes. Both, coal and oil contain sulphur and when it mixes with air, it may create sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These contribute to acid rain. This rain water, when absorbed by the soil, contaminates the ground water. This is again absorbed by the plants. As a result, we are also getting overdone by it.
There are certain other effects on the earth, because of fuels. As the demand for fuel is increasing, the mining process is becoming larger. As the abandoned mines below cave in which causes buildings on the surface to crack or some even get completely destroyed. Mining also scars the land which changes drainage patterns and the land becomes unfit for farming. Coal or any other fuel when extracted or burnt creates a lot of waste. Most of these do not decompose and burn causing air and soil pollution. It affects the health of the entire population nearby.
But the most important health impact of coal mining is black lung disease. This disease causes lots of discomfort. However it is not fatal. It leaves miners exceptionally susceptible to emphysema and a variety of other lung diseases. Underground miners have more risk of death by lung diseases caused by exposure to dust, and about 2.5 times the normal risk of dying from bronchitis, pneumonia, or tuberculosis. At younger ages, coal miners are healthier than the average person their age, but as they age the situation reverses; coal miners die an average of 3 years younger than the rest of the population of the same socioeconomic status.
The problems continue. The only solution is to use less of cars and vehicles and machines which produce chemicals and substances harmful for the habitat. For covering shorter distances, bicycles should be used. Nuclear power plants are coming up to solve the matter but at the same time we should also reduce the usage. We all should have a minimal contribution to save our planet. The ozone layer depletion, melting of ice sheets and glaciers are all negative signs. As science develops, let’s join our hands together to conserve this precious resource and save our Mother Nature. 


  1. Crisp,mature & impactful!! Misha your thoughts about the world & environment is worth appreciating - good to know you are our next gen . Keep up the good work !!;)

  2. Nice composed writing, I sincerely appreciate your concern for our mother earth .It is true that we the human being Gods gretest creation has made the Mother earth to bleed .it is your generation I am confident will save our Mother earth.
    Keep writing.

  3. Ultimate Worthy Issue raised by Dearest Angel MISHA.. I'm happy to see such Brave Brilliant Intellect to raise point for Environmental Protection in Very Clear Perspective with Humanity Health Hazards. I am extremely thankful for this Generation to Raise this issue's as Our Mother �� Earth is in deep misuse and mishandling by the Mismanagement to generate richness by hampering All Natural resources which is drastically impacted the Health Hazards by Pollution Natural Disasters happens all across Globe �� All the Very Best to Brilliant Angel Blessings & Support always going to be there.. It's my Sincerest Prayer & Gratitude to connect with Such Good Soul's who thinks for Well Beings for �� Earth Like my Mission's . Best Wishes always...

    1. Thank you! I will surely write more about this...

    2. Thanks Misha for keeping up steadfast on such Environmental Awareness & Awakening Mission's.. Truly I forsee you got All All Potential to Represent our Nations on UNESCO for such important issues to Awaken Conscientious Task to make Awaken All Countries for Global Warming

  4. So authentic! I really appreciate your concern. We all need to stop exploiting the wonderful gifts of Mother Nature for our selfish motives.

  5. Very thoughtful and this issue is critical to human sustenance.

  6. Like wow u are such a perfect writer just go on Siso..well done..Really authentic and true content✌❤

  7. Great writing man! Keep it up!❤️

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  10. Well, i agree that we are exploiting our resources as if they will never get exhausted...ur blog made me think whether i do something for our surrounding; our nature; our home or not...but now ozone layer is healing at a slow pace...that's a good sign and our joined efforts will make our earth a better doubt that it was an excellent piece💛loved it...well done Misha

    1. Thanks Shivam.. only we all can solve this issue..

  11. We should turn into cycle riders. Advancement in automobile created more problems rather than easing our way of life.

  12. Petrol and diesel prices have also been going up lately. We should try our best at this alarming situation. Great blog.
